The ASSESS Neutralization Analysis module (Neutralization) is part of Analytic System and Software for Evaluation of Safeguards and Security, ASSESS, a vulnerability assessment tool. Neutralization models a fire fight engagement between security inspectors (Sis) and adversaries. While the ASSESS/Outsider module has had for some time a capability to perform and store, under one file name, several analyses in one computing session, a multiple analysis c a p a b i l i t y is new to the ASSESS/Neutralization module. This capability achieves greater compatibility among ASSESS modules, allows use of common n o m e n c l a t u r e between neutralization and outsider files, and makes easier the identification of related files. The definition of an analysis group can be either created in the Neutralization module or imported from the Outsider module. A full engagement description for each analysis is created in Neutralization. The analyses can be run as one group or the group can be analyzed in subsets. The results of a group of neutralization analyses, probabilities of neutralization, P(N), can be imported by the outsider module where they combine with probabilities of interruption, P(I), to give probabilities of system win, P(W).