DOE’s MPC&A Program is in the early stages of developing a Material Conversion option as part of its Material Consolidation and Conversion initiative. Material conversion involves moving high-enriched uranium (HEU) from less secure Russian nuclear sites to more secure sites, and then down blending the material to low-enriched uranium (LEU). If adequately supported and successfully implemented, material conversion can significantly reduce the amount of Russian non-weapons (but weapons-usable) HEU that poses the greatest proliferation risk. The Program is currently engaged in a very successful Model Project for material conversion at Luch that has demonstrated the potential of this approach, when the site and Minatom support a very open and largely transparent process. The material conversion activity at Luch is likely to be expanded considerably in FY 2000 to bring more HEU to Luch from additional sites in the Moscow and St. Petersburg region. At the same time, MCC must explore whether the Luch model. including necessary access and transparency, can be established at other appropriate regional sites. If successful. these efforts could lead to the establishment of several