Bruce Erkkila - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Joe Claborn - Los Alamos National Laboratory
DOE Orders and draft orders for nuclear material control and accountability address a complete material control and accountability (MC&A) program for all DOE contractors processing, using, or storing nuclear materials. A critical element of an MC&A program is the accounting system used to track and record all inventories of nuclear material and movements of materials in those inventories. Most DOE facilities use computerized accounting systems to facilitate the task of accounting for all their inventory of nuclear materials. Many facilities still use a mixture of a manual paper system with a computerized system. Also, facilities may use multiple systems to support information needed for MC&A. For real-time accounting it is desirable to implement a single integrated data base management system for a variety of users. In addition to accountability needs, waste management, material management, and production operations must be supported. Information in these systems can also support criticality safety and other safety issues. Modern networked microcomputers provide extensive processing and reporting capabilities that single mainframe computer systems struggle with. This paper describes an approach being developed at Los Alamos to address these problems.