Modeling Serial Engagements with Assess/Neutralization

Byron Gardner - Sandia National Laboratories
Mark Snell - Sandia National Laboratories
William K. Paulus - Sandia National Laboratories
The ASSESS Neutralization module (Neutralization) is part of the Analytic System and Software for Evaluating Safeguards and Security, (ASSESS), a vulnerability assessment tool. Neutralization models a fire fight between security inspectors (Sis) and adversaries. There are circumstances where the analyst would like to combine results of two or more fire fights at different locations within a facility (serial engagements) into a single analysis. An example of serial engagements at a facility occurring at or near the same time are: (1) a diversionary attack outside of the facility to delay, divert, or neutralize a response force, (2) an attack with the goal of penetrating facility barriers, and (3) a fire fight inside of the facility as a prelude to theft or sabotage. The value of this analysis is to determine the adversary resources necessary to proceed with the assault under different types of engagements and facility conditions. Additionally, the analysis can help focus facility protective forces at locations where they can best defeat the adversary scenario. This methodology has been applied to accurately predict the outcome of MILES exercises at a major nuclear facility. The methodology has also been used to evaluate tactics at different locations against design basis threats.