The Materials Protection, Accounting, and Control Technologies (MPACT) campaign is developing a Virtual Facility Distributed Test Bed for safeguards and security design for future nuclear fuel cycle facilities. A major milestone is a lab-scale demonstration of an advanced safeguards and security system for electrochemical reprocessing in 2020. The goal of the Virtual Test Bed is to bring together experimental and modeling capabilities across the laboratory complex to provide a one-stop-shop for advanced safeguards and security by design. Experimental testing alone would be too cost prohibitive for safeguards and security design. Modeling and simulation play a key role in developing the Virtual Test Bed by tying together experimental testing, measurement technology development, and models in a way that is a more efficient use of research dollars. The systems level models are informed by experimental testing and more detailed unit operation models, and they generate key safeguards and security metrics to support the system design choices. This paper provides an overview of the Virtual Test Bed concept and focuses on two of the systems-level models that are used for safeguards and security analyses.