Mobile And Web Services For Thermal Neutron Capture Decay

Benjamin Shu - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Alejandro Sonzogni - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Elizabeth Ricard-McCutchan - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Shaofei Zhu - Brookhaven National Laboratory

The capture of thermal neutrons by an isotope populates a highly excited state near the neutron separation energy. This level depopulates by emitting high energy gamma-ray transitions with energies and intensities that can be used as a signature for identifying specific isotopes. The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory maintains a website dedicated to this process, known as CapGam. The NNDC has recently updated CapGam to make it more accurate, more user-friendly, and more intuitive. These changes are numerous, and include corrections to rounding errors, changes to the coloring and design, and interactive displays for selecting target nuclei. In addition, a new feature of providing a histogram of the expected gamma-ray spectrum is included, as is the option to export data as a .csv formatted file. The NNDC is also developing a mobile app version of CapGam that will not require an Internet connection. Through these efforts, the NNDC hopes to further advance the study and application of thermal neutron capture decay.