The Methodology of the Training Demand Assessment When Implementing a System Approach to the Training at Nuclear Enterprises

V. Kornelyuk - CICE&T
Yu. Seleznev - CICE&T
A basic security principle is effective and reliable personnel that possess required professional knowledge and skills to prevent risks of errors in one’s activity. During the training – acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills (trainings) – a readiness for accurate performance of tasks is being formed and personnel competence emerges. With experience and regular training comes high qualification of personnel, which are able to cut error risks to a minimum. One the other hand, in conditions of Russia’s nuclear industry changes the requirements to personnel are changing. The principle requirement of all is personnel readiness for innovations and their ability to rearrange themselves in the course of achieving new guidelines. As a result, priority of security in the activity may be outcompeted, if this is not taken into account when preparing the personnel. In this connection, the main requirements are abided by principles of a system approach to training (SAT) of facility personnel providing both the safety of basic knowledge and readiness for innovations. SAT envisages logical action sequence: from determining competencies required for performance of a brand new work to detailed study of the training process and training carrying in order to estimate acquisition of these competencies. Therefore the most important SAT milestone is an evaluation of demand in training that accurately reflects new requirements to personnel practical professional activity and to their competence. The paper highlights a complex approach to evaluation of demand in training of personnel in the nuclear site (NS) security area.