Measurements at Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility in Support of Global Security Mission Space

Tracy R. Wenz - Los Alamos National Laboratory
S. Stange - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Douglas R. Mayo - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Gary Herrera - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Anastasia D. McLaughlin - Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility at Technical Area (TA) 55 is one of a few nuclear facilities in the United States where Research & Development measurements can be performed on Safeguards Category-I (CAT-I) quantities of nuclear material. This capability allows us to incorporate measurements of CAT-IV through CAT-I materials as a component of detector characterization campaigns and training courses conducted at Los Alamos. A wider range of measurements can be supported. We will present an overview of recent measurements conducted in support of nuclear emergency response, nuclear counterterrorism, and international and domestic safeguards. This work was supported by the NNSA Oce of Counterterrorism.