Measurement and Characterization of Advanced Nuclear Fuels at the Idaho National Laboratory Through Neutron Energy Spectrum Unfolding

Marek Flaska - Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
J.L. Dolan - Department of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
S. A. Pozzi - Department of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Results are presented on the ability to perform neutron energy spectroscopy with standard organic scintillation detectors. Well-established pulse-shape discrimination techniques are used to reject the detectors¶ gamma-ray signal and produce neutron pulse-height distributions. These distributions are µXQIROGHG¶??XVLQJ??a detector-specific response matrix to obtain the incident neutron energy spectrum. Unfolding results are introduced for the measurements and characterization of mixed-oxide fuel pins. The robust measurement system used to perform these measurements included four EJ-309 liquid scintillation detectors with a 250-MHz, 12-bit waveform digitizer. The MCNP-PoliMi Monte Carlo particle transport code was used to build the mixed-oxide fuel source and develop an anticipated neutron energy distribution.