MC&A Lessons Learned from a Security Event

Amy Wilson - Y-12 National Security Complex
In July 2012, a group of protestors vandalized areas within the boundary of the Y12 National Security Complex. Even though no buildings containing material were breached, MC&A exercised the anomaly procedure to ensure all concerns had been addressed. This paper will discuss general considerations for anomaly resolution and lessons learned during the review of security events. The security event at Y12 on July 28, 2012 made international news, and the damage to our reputation was far worse that the physical repairs needed to correct the trespassing activities. Many of the details are still sensitive and will not be discussed in this report. As stated, there was never an MC&A issue with this event, but Y12 took the opportunity to evaluate current procedures to ensure appropriate response would have been conducted in the event MC&A interests were involved. The discussion in this paper is in reference to general anomaly resolution procedures, with references to specific activities as appropriate for the audience.