Two automated, computerized material surveillamx systems were installed in a storage area at the Savannah River Site (SRS). These systems are used to provide assurance that special nuclear material (SNM) has not been disturbed and therefore allow less frequent physical inventories and relaxation of daily administmtive checks and the two person rule. One system is composed of the Personnel and Material Tmcking (PAMTRAK) supervisory computer, developed by Sa.ndia National Laboratory, and VersaTAG fiber optic tamper-indicating devices (TIDs) with radio frequency (RF) transmission of alarm and state of health information. The VersaTAG units were developed by RANDTEC, Inc. A second system, Inventory Verification System (I VSystem), developed at LOS Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), performs change detection using images from multiple closed circuit television cameras. Two automated, computerized material surveillamx systems were installed in a storage area at the Savannah River Site (SRS). These systems are used to provide assurance that special nuclear material (SNM) has not been disturbed and therefore allow less frequent physical inventories and relaxation of daily administmtive checks and the two person rule. One system is composed of the Personnel and Material Tmcking (PAMTRAK) supervisory computer, developed by Sa.ndia National Laboratory, and VersaTAG fiber optic tamper-indicating devices (TIDs) with radio frequency (RF) transmission of alarm and state of health information. The VersaTAG units were developed by RANDTEC, Inc. A second system, Inventory Verification System (I VSystem), developed at LOS Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), performs change detection using images from multiple closed circuit television cameras.These systems are used for surveillance of SNM in static storage. For SNM in storage, time between physical inventories can be extended from six months to one year, daily administrative checks can be performed more easily and the two person rule for entry into the storage area can be relaxed. Automated material surveillance reduces both manpower requirements and radiation exposure and allows rapid recovery of installation costs.