The “Material Control and Surveillance for High Frequency Access Vaults” project sponsored by United States Department of Energy’s Office of Security focuses on enhancing materials control and surveillance of nuclear material stored in vaults that are frequently accessed. The focus of this effort is to enhance the materials control and accountability (MC&A) while decreasing the operational impact of these activities. Los Alamos and Y-12 have developed a test-bed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for evaluating and demonstrating integrated technologies for use in enhancing materials control and accountability in active nuclear material storage vaults. A few of the technologies that have been installed in the test-bed for evaluation are passive RF tags for immediate inventory identification, “SmartShelf™ Technology,” container weight sensors, and “Graphical Facility Information Center (GraFIC™).” Other technologies that show promise for use in nuclear storage vaults will be tested and evaluated. This report gives an overview of progress made to date.