In the last year, Aquila Technologies Group, Inc., has undertaken manufacturing of two types of neutron counters designed by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). To date, four Active Well Coincidence Counters (AWCCS) and one Plutonium Scrap Multiplicity Counter (PSMC) have been built. While great care was taken not to alter the physics of the devices (moderator geometry, etc.), Aquila undertook to shape the “prototype” designs provided by LANL to more commercially produceable configurations. No change was considered unless it would maintain, or in some case improve, on the performance of established technique. The cost savings associated with this work have resulted in our ability to offer these counters at extremely competitive prices. The primary cost of the detectors is mainly driven by the price of the 3He detector tubes. Aquila is currently exploring the possibility of producing these in the former Soviet Union at a much reduced price. Changes, thus far implemented, have been aimed at converting the designs into modules which may be individually constructed, tested, and replaced. This lowers the cost of maintenance as well as the initial purchase price.