Major Changes in ROK WMD Export Control System especially Nuclear Nonproliferation

Jongsook Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Young-Wook Lee - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
ROK government has recently been making best efforts to improve and strengthen notational WMD nonproliferation export control system continuously in the light of joining actively into the international endeavor to prevent and deter further WMD proliferation in the world as a responsible party and member of several treaties and multi-lateral export control regimes. Considering concerns of proliferation implication of Iran’s nuclear enrichment activities and North Korea’s nuclear weapons issues, it would be essential not only to reflect the current international countermeasures such as UNSCR 1540, 1695, 1737 etc. into national export control related laws and regulations but to reinforce export control implementation measures. In this regards, Ministry of Science, Technology and Ministry of Commerce as licensing ministries had established relevant expert organizations that are providing technical assistances for the comprehensive export licensing issues performed by the executive branches since last several years ago. Each licensing Ministry had also setup the on-line strategic goods and technology export/import management systems and operates them for the more effective export control implementation and management according to its control goods and technology related NSG, WA, MTCR and AG. The paper deals with the recent major changes in the field of national WMD export control system along with especially nuclear nonproliferation export control area in ROK.