LSDS System Development for Isotopic Fissile Assay in Used Fuel

YongDeok Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jong-Hark Park - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
LSDS is the most promising technology to analyze the content of isotopic fissile mass in used fuel and recycled material. Mainly, LSDS consists of measurement spectrometer and source neutron equipment. For the source neutron, one section electron linear accelerator with a designed target was decided, ~1012 n’s/sec, for cost effectiveness, easy maintenance and compact size. In the spectrometer, the interrogation neutron induced individual fissile fission directly and prompt fast neutron is detected at the surrounding threshold detectors. The effect of neutron production by the coolant at the target was investigated as well. The system parameter was derived and was examined to select the linear energy range. The detection property was performed. The fissile assay model was setup from the linear relationship between fissile mass and direct fission. The fission neutron detection has a direct relation to the amount of fissile material. From the assay model, the results show very reasonable fit with ~3% error of the fissile mass. An accurate isotopic fissile mass assay will contribute to international transparency for fissile material utilization and spent fuel management.