A Low-Tech, Low-Budget Storage Solution for High-Level Radioactive Sources

Brett W. Carlson - Idaho National Laboratory
Ted R. Reed - Idaho National Laboratory
Todd L. Johnson - Idaho National Laboratory
John Weathersby - Idaho National Laboratory
Joseph E. Alexander - Idaho National Laboratory
David J. Griffith - Idaho National Laboratory
The need for safe, secure, and economical storage of radioactive material becomes increasingly important as beneficial uses of radioactive material expand (increased inventory), as political instability rises (increased threat), and as final disposal and treatment facilities are delayed (increased inventory and storage duration). Several vendor-produced storage casks are available for this purpose, but these are often costly due to required design, analyses, and licensing. Thus, the relatively high costs of currently accepted storage solutions may inhibit substantial improvements in safety and security that might otherwise be achieved. This is particularly true in areas of the world where the economic or the regulatory infrastructure may not provide the means and the justification for such an expense. This paper considers a relatively low-cost, low-technology radioactive-material-storage solution. The basic concept consists of a simple shielded storage container that can be fabricated locally using a steel pipe and a corrugated steel culvert as forms enclosing a concrete annulus. Benefits of such a system include 1) a low-tech solution that utilizes materials and skills available virtually anywhere in the world, 2) a readily scalable design that easily adapts to specific needs, such as the geometry and radioactivity of the source term material), 3) flexible placement for free-standing above-ground or in-ground (i.e., below grade or bermed) installation, 4) the ability for future relocation without direct handling of resources, and 5) a long operational lifetime. ‘Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien’ (translated: The best is the enemy of good) applies to the management of radioactive materials—particularly where the economic and regulatory justification for additional investment is lacking. Development of a low-cost alternative that considerably enhances safety and security may lead to a greater overall risk reduction than insisting on solutions that remain economically or politically out of reach.