The Local Government Network (LGN) links local public officials with federal officials concerned with safe transportation of hazardous and radioactive materials. Information is collected and distributed through workshops and conferences, a quarterly newsletter, briefings and issue papers, and an electronic bulletin board. The LGN project also provides briefings and papers for federal officials on issues raised at workshops. Information on subjects such as training, funding, and regulations is made available and discussed through the LGN. Local officials not only obtain information on federal resources through the LGN, but are able to raise concerns and contribute to the solution of issues. The newsletter, Energy & Transportation Network News also serves as a way to share materials already developed at the local level. The electronic bulletin board provides easy access to the local audience and opportunities to survey that audience for feedback on issues raised at workshops. Limited budgets make the LGN important to local officials and the desire to address public concerns about nuclear materials makes it valuable to federal agencies.