The Local Area Network Material Accounting System (LANMAS) application is a standardized approach to comply with the DOE Order 5633.3B, Control and Accountability of Nuclear Material, material accounting requirements. This paper provides a general overview of the functions and features included in the LANMAS application. The application complies with both external (off-site) and internal (on-site) DOE Order requirements. It is based on specifications developed by a complex wide LANMAS Users Group that represents ten sites within the DOE complex. The application can perform many tasks within a single personal computer client / server arrangement. These tasks include: preparation and tracking of off-site shipments and receipts including DP 741s, movement of material within and between Material Balance Areas, adjustment of weight values of material by mixing / splitting / write-offs, physical inventory of material, the grouping of material into containers, tracking of Tamper Indicating Devices, and generation of monthly closing reports that are required to be submitted to the Nuclear Materials management and Safeguards System (NMMSS). The LANMAS application is intended to be the core accountability system to meet all of the basic MC&A accounting functions. Additional site specific features can be developed to work with this application to enhance its capabilities to meet site specific needs that are unique to a given site. LANMAS also incorporates the capability to easily access the database to produce ad hoc reports and further data manipulations.