In recent years, the data acquisition in neutron interrogation facility is rapidly changing from the traditional single channel analyzer (SCA) into the fully digital LIST- mode acquisition machinery, allowing us to digitally record all relevant data directly into electronic data sheets. In the present study, we introduce two novel applications to the LIST-mode acquisition in neutron multiplicity counting. In the first application, we analyze the statistical un- certainty of the estimation using bootstrap analysis, and in the second application, we use the LIST mode acquisition to preform dead time correction to out measurements using backward extrapolation techniques. The applications were first tested by computer based simulations, and later applied to actual fissile mass measurements conducted by the Institute of Isotopes in Hungary, showing satisfactory results. The methods presented in this study, while fairly easy to implement and do not re- quire any prior calibration, often provide increased accuracy and higher reliability, when compared to the current methods traditionally used for shift-register multiplicity measurements.