Department of Engineering Physics of Universitas Gadjah Mada is the only university in Indonesia offering a nuclear engineering study program. The content of curriculum has been strengthened with safety and safeguard subjects, but not with security related aspects yet. Actually many efforts have been already done to develop concept for enhancing the course contents with nuclear security subjects. Several activities have been conducting to collect information and materials, such as participation on INSEN meeting, PDC on Nuclear Security, Nuclear Security Educator Study Tour, and workshop on Nuclear Security Education. Furthermore, collected information have been evaluated and used to develop strategy, concept and road map for the enhancing of nuclear engineering curriculum. The concept will be implemented stepwise with the goal to get a complete concept of curriculum modification after 3 years. Several model of course content enhancement have been already implemented based on additional course material and case studies with nuclear security related subjects. The enhancement process needs a well understanding of educators on nuclear security issue, and hence a workshop for improving educator’s knowledge and understanding on nuclear security should be done.