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The US Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Global Material Security (GMS) assessed the degree to which the program exhibited resilience during the global COVID-19 crisis. A cross-program team reviewed the actions GMS took during the pandemic and identified the strengths and weaknesses in GMS’ ability to deliver on its mission. The assessment viewed impacts through multiple lenses including ability to be effective in networking and relationships, technical consultations, training and exercises; sustainability, maintenance, and repair; and implementation of security upgrades. The analysis examined the evolution of the measures taken through the successive stages of the crisis in order to understand impact and effectiveness through the entire timeline of response. This presentation will provide an overview of the significant findings of this analysis and a summary of recommendations to improve day-to-day operations and future resiliency. These recommendations will help GMS anticipate and plan for the needs that are likely to emerge as the world moves toward the “new normal” post-COVID-19. Importantly, it also will inform how to optimize hybrid virtual and in-person approaches with partners to more effectively and efficiently achieve mission goals – and to ensure robust resilience to major disruptions in the future.