Lesson Learned from the IPPAS in ROK

Jungsoo Kim - Nuclear Security and Cyber Security Division, Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control
Jung Myung-tak - Nuclear Security and Cyber Security Division, Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control
Koo-hee Kwon - Nuclear Security and Cyber Security Division, Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control
Youngwook Lee - Nuclear Security and Cyber Security Division, Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control
With its experience in hosting the ISSAS (for Safeguard regime in 2005) and IRRS (for Safety regime in 2011), the ROK announced its willingness to host an IPPAS (International Physical Protection Advisory Service) mission. The objective of the 2014 IPPAS mission was to assess Korea’s national protection regime of nuclear material and other RM (Radioactive Material) and its associated nuclear facilities, as well as other activities in the country. The mission was used to also assess Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), as well as transportation system. The mission reviewed the procedures and practices of the ROK based on the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) and its 2005 Amendment, the IAEA recommendations NSS No.13 (INFCIRC/225/rev.5) and other relevant Nuclear Security Series (NSS) guidance documents. This paper outlines the preparation process of the IPPAS in the ROK over a two year period and the follow-up action that took place after the mission. Through the IPPAS, Korea has improved its Physical Protection Regime. It also showcased the strength of the country’s Physical Protection System.