Safeguards Implementation at the Atucha-I dry storage system currently under construction will require a dual containment and surveillance system (C&S). The main surveillance system will be implemented by Next Generation Surveillance System (NGSS) Digital Camera Module-C5 (DCM-C5) connected to a Digital Camera Recorder / Digital Camera Interface (DCR-1/DCI) server. Considering this spent fuel dry storage, a difficult-to-access area, the secondary system will be implemented by a 2D Laser Curtain for Containment named LCCT that can identify and track all intrusive events of specific objects within a pre-defined area of interest. The LCCT will be composed of 2D Laser heads connected to data consolidation servers. The LCCT data can be reviewed at the same station of the DCR-1/DCI without the need of entering the controlled area. The LCCT is a new containment concept that was developed based on Atucha-I dry storage system particular requirements. Although laser system technologies have been used as security devices, the approach followed by LCCT is to include optical surveillance capabilities. This paper describes the near full-scale test carried out in a storage facility in Argentine to check the functionality of the LCCT system for transfer flask tracking and intrusion-occlusion objects detection to confirm the suitability of the system for use in the above referred new dry storage facility.