Many sites within the Department of Energy complex have legacy nuclear material control and accounting (MC&A) systems that are rapidly becoming obsolete and difficult to maintain. The Local Area Network Material Accounting System (LANMAS) is a network and microprocessor based nuclear materials accounting software package that is being developed to meet essential MC&A records and reporting system requirements. Sites within the DOE complex will have the capability to implement LANMAS to replace the MC&A records and reporting portions of their existing legacy systems without additional site-specific development efforts. A LANMAS Users Group was established in December, 1996 which currently includes representatives from Savannah River Site (SRS), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Rocky Flats, Pantex, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), and Hanford. The LANMAS Users Group identified the set of minimum essential functions and requirements for initial implementation. A development team was formed at Savannah River Site in February, 1997 to complete the required additions and modifications to the existing LANMAS product. A demonstration version (LANMAS v2.0) was completed in June, 1997 that implements a subset of the LANMAS features and functions for user evaluation and testing. This project is funded by the DOE Office of Safeguards and Security.