The U.S. Department of Energy (HQ) commissioned Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), in 1993, to develop a prototype of a PC based client/server Nuclear Materials Accounting system called LANMAS (Local Area Network Materials Accounting System) . Once developed this system would eventually replace other out dated Nuclear Materials Accounting systems across the DOE Complex. After the completion of the LANL “prototype”, the Westinghouse Savannah River Company was selected in December of 1996 to “productionize” and implement LANMAS. The implementation is initially scheduled to occur at the Savannah River Site (SRS) and the Rocky Flats Environmental Test Site (RFETS) during FY 98. This paper describes the LANMAS implementation process at RFETS. The paper will also describe the design and development of a new Material Control & Accountability infrastructure (RockMAS) which will surround the LANMAS “accounting engine”. This infrastructure will consist of an Adhoc reporting functionality and specialized ancillary software modules (i.e., Weight Measurement Control, Archival Transaction History Search Engine, Centralized Data Structure (SQL Server) etc.) . William (Bill) H. James, Safe Sites of Colorado, Rocky Flats Environmental Test Site, P.O. Box 464,Golden, Colorado, 80402- 0464, USA. Bill is the LANMAS Program Manager for SSOC, and has been employee at RFETS since 1974. He is currently responsible for facilitating SSOC’s effort to implement LANMAS at RFETS. Bill is a 1968 graduate of Colorado State University, with a 2 B.S. in Chemistry. Bill can be reached at (303) 966-7572 or Emailed at