Korea-IAEA LWR Enhanced Cooperation - The First Year of Implementation -

Seung Sik Park - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control
Young-Myung Choi - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sung Gi Park - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Wan Sou Park - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sun-Ki Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
According to Korean Atomic Energy Act, national inspection is being performed independently at the same time as the IAEA inspection. As national inspection system settled down, both Korea and the IAEA were looking for possible ways of cooperation for more efficient and effective safeguards implementation. As a first step, enhanced cooperation on LWRs, based on remote monitoring technology and state's system utilization, was introduced and an MOU for implementation was signed between Korea and IAEA on October 17, 2001. It is expected that the IAEA's on-site inspection would be significantly reduced with this new scheme. From January 2002, this new scheme is being implemented at all LWRs in Korea. For start-up of this scheme, ROK submitted Yearly Inspection Plan to the IAEA which indicates dates of Pre-PIV, PIV, Post-PIV, FFV and interim inspections for all LWRs. During the first quarters of 2002, interim inspections had been performed at the 10 LWRs under this scheme. Among those, IAEA inspectors were present at the 2 inspections on the basis of random selection and the other 8 inspections were performed by Korean SSAC inspectors alone. SSAC inspectors performed, as agreed between IAEA and Korea, book audit, item counting of fuel assemblies and checking national and IAEA seals during this inspection. Later, random selection scheme was extended to pre-PIV inspections. Inspection activities performed alone by SSAC have been documented in a manner consistent with IAEA’s Inspection Logsheet with completed working papers. Korea sent inspection reports to the IAEA through encrypted e-mail transfer system within 15 calendar days after inspections. An interim inspection under this new scheme will be completed, when ROK receive an IAEA’s 90(a) statement reflecting its independent conclusions with the results of the C/S review based on operating and accounting data sent to IAEA by the ROK. The first quarters interim inspection turned out to be a great success with the close communication and cooperation among facility operator, state SSAC and the IAEA.