Japan, firmly committed to nuclear non-proliferation, ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1976, and placed herself under obligation, as a non-nuclear weapons state, not to produce or acquire nuclear weapons. Recognizing the important role of the NPT and associated IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) safeguards in achieving non-proliferation, Japan has been upholding the NPT regime and exerting her efforts in realizing efficient and effective IAEA safeguards. This paper outlines the non-proliferation policy of Japan and reviews 1) the past accomplishment through promoting major safeguards projects initiated by Japan such as TASTEX (Tokai Advanced Safeguards Technology Exercise), JASPAS (Japan Support Programme for Agency Safeguards), HSP (Hexapartite Safeguards Project), LASCAR (Large Scale Reprocessing Safeguards Project) and ITAP (Information Treatment Assistance Programme); 2) the current situation including the need for reducing IAEA safeguards efforts in Japan, enhancing domestic safeguards capability, and further expansion of integrated safeguards application; and 3) the future direction of Japan’s efforts towards the establishment and implementation of effective and efficient IAEA safeguards system, including the development of sustainable safeguards system with a stronger SSAC, an adequate safeguards R&D programme and a human resource development programme in Japan. Note: the views expressed in this paper are solely of the author and do not represent those of the organization the author belongs to or any government Agencies he is associated with.