JAEA-SRNL-LANL Technical Exchange on Safe Packaging and Storage of Plutonium Bearing Materials

K.A. Dunn - Savannah River National Laboratory
N.C. Iyer - Savannah River National Laboratory
J.E. Narlesky - Los Alamos National Laboratory
K. Morishita - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Extensive research related to the plutonium fuel cycle, as well as plutonium disposition, is ongoing in research laboratories globally. An important element of the research cycle needs to be the safe, secure, and effective stewardship of the nuclear materials including the management of the legacy research materials. The understanding of the safe packaging and storage requirements for small quantities of legacy plutonium bearing materials from research activities is quite mature and many commonalities have been recognized between U.S. facilities but also with facilities in Japan. While each facility storing plutonium bearing materials has distinctly different missions, there are still a significant number of similarities in the issues and challenges encountered with plutonium bearing materials. Experts in plutonium storage and surveillance within the U.S. and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have participated in collaborative exchanges to share their experiences and lessons learned. The goal of the recent collaboration was to exchange information related to the technical basis and rationale for the protocols associated with safe packaging and storage of plutonium bearing materials. Information sharing between JAEA, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) was the key focus of the technical exchange. Specifically, the topics included: Oarai plutonium contamination incident review, overview of 3013 plutonium storage and surveillance program, corrosion of stainless steel containers, plutonium storage container inspections, stabilization of plutonium bearing materials, plutonium monitoring and inspection equipment (radiological controls), and waste packaging. Future collaboration / coordination with JAEA researchers is expected to continue for the exchange of pertinent information related to the safe packaging and storage of plutonium bearing materials. This paper details the technical bases for safe storage of plutonium bearing materials and reviews the protocols and practices related to safe storage and effective management of legacy research materials.