One of the main objectives of the safeguards inspection is to verify the material balances in the MBA. Along with the physical inventory verification, the verification of the material flow is the indispensable element to contribute for that purpose. Triggered by the incidents in Iraq and DPRK, the international Safeguards community has seriously sought the ways to improve effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards which finally gave rise to SSS(Strengthened Safeguards System) measures. One of the SSS recommendations is the adoption of SNRI(Short Notice Random Inspection) at LEU fabrication plants. Based on the above recommendation the Japanese government with full collaboration of JNF (Japan Nuclear Fuel Co.,Ltd.) operator has jointly worked with IAEA for the introduction of SNRI in Japan. If SNRI is implemented ideally, number of interim inspections could be reduced and effectiveness will be enhanced. This report is to summarize the special features of SNRI performed at JNF and the experiences gained so far.