Introduction of Nuclear Security Culture at the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belaru

V.V. Zenevich - JIPNR-Sosny
A.I. Kiyavitskaya - Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny
A.V. Kuzmin - Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny
V.A. Bryleva - Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny
Pursuant to the requirements of the international nuclear law, each state assumes responsibility for nuclear security assurance. The Republic of Belarus supports the efforts of the international nuclear community towards strengthening nuclear security, combating nuclear terrorism, and promoting non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. It made a crucial contribution to the nuclear disarmament process by voluntarily abandoning its strategic offensive nuclear potential. Belarus continues to play an important role in the non-proliferation process, assurance of containment of nuclear material and combating nuclear terrorism by means of responsible adherence to international commitments.