Introduction Of The Internal Compliance Program For Korea Atomic Energy Research Institue Export Control

Hyun-sook Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
In Chul Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
SeongMi Han - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
ByungDoo Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
SungHo Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
HyunJo Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
The development of information technology(IT) has facilitated technology transfer, and with it, has also prompted a surge in illegal technology transfer. As a result, the international community has been urging the control of intangible technology transfer(ITT). The Korean government has been controlling ITT in accordance with the Foreign Trade Act since 2014, and it recommends that companies, research institutes, and education establishments implement an internal compliance program(ICP) for efficient export control. Established in 1959, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) is the first science and technology research institute in Korea to be mandated to achieve energy self-reliance through nuclear technology. With the amendment of the Foreign Trade Act in 2014, KAERI has established an operational management system for the acquisition of an ICP license from the government, which includes organization, regulation, classification and screening procedures, internal audit, document control, and training and education. In 2018, KAERI acquired an ICP license from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(MTIE). In this paper, the ICP for KAERI's export control is introduced, and the current state and future direction of ITT control at KAERI is also described.