The International Safeguards Working Group on Open Source and Geospatial Information: Overview, Activities,and Future Plans

Yana Feldman - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Zoe Gastelum - Sandia National Laboratories
The open source and geospatial information (OSGI) working group is a community of experts, practitioners, and interested parties from within the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management’s (INMM) International Safeguards technical division focusing on open source and geospatial information collection and analysis in support of safeguards verification activities. The working group was formed in 2012 and has seen its membership, interest, and engagement grow alongside the unprecedented availability of open source and geospatial data and the associated software and hardware needed to process it. Most recently, the working group published a special issue of INMM’s peer reviewed Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, highlighting nine technical manuscripts from multi-disciplinary teams across the globe and an introduction from the International Atomic Energy Agency on the evolution of open source and geospatial analytics for safeguards. In this paper, we will describe a brief background of the working group and its historical activities, upcoming events, and plans for future engagement.