At the start oaf new millennium, five years aRer the indefinite extenosifo tnh e NPT and three years aRer the adoptiono f the Model Additional Protocol, INFCIRC/540, this paper refolenc tasn d expands the discussion of key issues in the evolutioonf IAEA safeguards that he author outlined at the 40* Annual IN”M eeting in July 1999[1 3, The aim is to contribute to the understanding of the objectives of and responsibilities for the improvement of international safeguards for the next decades. The IAEA safeguards system should evolvtoe meet the expectationso f States. What States expect fiom IAEA safeguards must be balanced by what States do for IAEA safeguards. The new safeguards responsibilitieso f the IAEA are balanced biyts commitment to contain the cosot f safeguards to Member States. The IAEA must strengthen and optimize safeguardsw, ith the cooperation and assistance of StatesT. his paper will present and discuss severafl hdamentals of the effective implementation oaf Strengthened Safeguards System anidts optimization through the integration of safeguards measuresT. his paper also raises the question of establishain gge neral structure for IAEA safeguards goals in the new millennium, whichw ill appropriately cover the different types of safeguards obligations undertaken by States.