International Safeguards Additional Protocol Implementation in the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration

Cameron Coates - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Michael Bedke - U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration
George E. Wrenn - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
In 1998, the United States signed its Protocol Additional to the Agreement Between the United States of America and the International Atomic Energy Agency for Application of Safeguards in the United States of America (“Additional Protocol”). In May of 2002, President Bush sent the Additional Protocol to the United States Senate for its advice and consent to ratification requesting its early and positive resolution. The U.S. Additional Protocol is now awaiting Senate action. In preparation for the entry-into-force of the Additional Protocol, the U.S. Department of Energy has undertaken an ambitious program to prepare the DOE Complex for the entryinto- force of the Additional Protocol and to manage the implementation of the Additional Protocol after it enters into force. In addition, the Department is undertaking a nascent project to provide technical training and equipment to states in order to assist and encourage them to implement the Additional Protocol. The Additional Protocol implementation program has five main projects: • Domestic Outreach and Training • Additional Protocol Reporting System (APRS) • Revision of DOE Orders and Guides • Additional Protocol Field Trials • Foreign Technical Assistance The U.S. National Laboratories are providing technical support to facilitate coordination and implementation of the IAEA Additional Protocol at DOE/NNSA sites.