The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) is the regulatory body in Norway for nuclear security, safety and radiation protection. NRPA has, together with the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI), for several years had cooperation with the Russian authority for nuclear safety, the Gostamnadzor (GAN) in the area of non-proliferation. The main goal of the cooperation is to give support to enhance the position of the RF-GAN and assist with technical means to improve their inspection and control capabilities. Topics that are covered are: the Russian legal framework, NMC&A, installation of physical protection systems. GAN has the supervision responsibility of hundreds facilities and thousands of nuclear civilian objects in a large country. The unlawful diversion of nuclear material is a real treat and treats from internal as well as external sources needs to be handled properly. With an increasing terrorist treat it is of most importance that the authority has a well functioning system for accountancy and that it also is compatible with the other Russian authorities with responsibility for nuclear and radioactive material. Material “falling between chairs” is not a desirable situation for neighbouring countries nor to anyone else with to days global situation. The paper will describe results of the cooperation. In the framework of this cooperation a conference was organised in Ekaterinburg, Russia in June 2003. The outcome of the conference will be reported. As a result of the G8 Global Partnership initiative in June 2002 more countries are getting involved and dismantling and clean up projects are escalating. That is very positive and needed activities, but as a result more nuclear material and radioactive waste are “generated” and needs new and proper protection. With this cooperation these aspects are highlighted and improved cooperation between authorities from different countries may (will) improve the security and reduce the risk of proliferation.