International Cooperation in the Area of Nonprofileration Education in Russia and Ukraine: The Case of Swedish Radiation Safety Authority

E. B. Mikhaylenko - Ural Federal University
N. K. Rozhanovskaya - National Research Tomsk State University
P. A. Sinovets - Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University
G. S. Zinovyev - Novouralsk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
The paper aims to explore the integrated experience of projects that the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) implements in the field of nonproliferation education in Russia and Ukraine starting from 2005. SSM and its local partners managed to achieve the following objectives: ensure sustainable research interest towards nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security across Russia and Ukraine; bring together young researchers who study non-proliferation from the technology and policy perspectives; help the local faculty members to improve their qualification and assist the universities in introducing courses on nonproliferation and nuclear security into their curricula; contribute to the fruitful networking of regional non-proliferation communities; raise public awareness about nuclear technology and related international issues. The paper will present the projects that SSM has implemented together with the four above- mentioned partners and their practical outputs: for instance, a generation of young nonproliferation professionals trained as a result (working for Russian and Ukrainian government bodies, such as MFA and nuclear regulatory authorities, as well as NGOs, civil nuclear industry, think tanks and research centers). These projects rely on the synergy of technology and policy approaches, which is necessary for efficient responses to contemporary challenges facing the NPT regime. The paper will explore the role of SSM in training of young nonproliferation experts in Russia and Ukraine, and conclusions will be made about the role of international support in the field of nonproliferation and nuclear security education. Special attention will be paid to problems and obstacles.