Intelligent Monitoring and Analysis for Safeguards Applications

T. Ewing - Argonne National Laboratory
Kirsten F. Laurin-Kovitz - Argonne National Laboratory
Application of intelligent systems for safeguards addresses emerging domestic and international needs for automated monitoring and analysis of safeguards-related data. The Intelligent Monitoring System for Safeguards Applications project is focussed on developing advanced software components for the synthesis and analysis of nuclear material safeguards related data to maximize nuclear material safety and security while reducing operational costs. Information is collected from a variety of sources such as nuclear material monitoring and surveillance sensors, measurement devices, and records. Knowledge-based and statistical computational methods are used to integrate and analyze this diverse data to provide comprehensive monitoring and analysis that enhances the detection of sensor degradation or failure, material instability, and material tampering or diversion. A prototype intelligent monitoring system has been created which features an Expert System analysis module with a knowledge base of heuristics developed from interviews with MC&A and security professionals. The Expert System performs analysis of data and sequences of events to detect subtle inconsistencies or abnormal operating patterns and provides extended diagnostic capabilities. The system was developed using simulated sensor data that represent a variety of safeguards scenarios identified by safeguards experts.