P.P. Mizin - FSUE SRI SIA “Luch”
Vladimir E. Rogachev - SRI SIA “Luch”
Oleg I. Shanin - FSUE SRI SIA Luch
E.T. Kulikov - FSUE SRI SIA “Luch”)
L.I. Mikhailichenko - FSUE SRI SIA “Luch”
S.E. Shmelev - FSUE SRI SIA “Luch”
Yuri Sokolov - Scientific Research Institute \"Luch\"
Charles R. Hatcher Hatcher - U.S.A.
The cooperation between Luch and the U.S. National Laboratories on MC&A upgrades began in 1996. Due to joint U.S. Russian efforts, good planning and prioritization of the upgrades, integrated site-wide advanced MC&A has been created and is now in routine operation. A jointly developed MC&A Plan identified the outlines, baseline and the components of the system. The MC&A operational structure was upgraded by identifying and categorizing the components in each MBA. In each MBA, key measurement points (KMPs) were specified for materials flows and inventory taking. KMPs were equipped with modern measurement equipment including electronic scales and NDA instruments. A unique ID based TID program was developed and implemented. Implementing bar code technology, combined with computerized bar code data processing for items and locations, has provided further improvement to material control and is used for rapid inventory taking. Destructive analysis equipment and techniques were upgraded for uranium content and enrichment measurements. Currently the Central Analytic Lab (CAL) provides Luch MBA’s with precise MC&A data. The implemented measurement equipment allowed the formation of MC&A measurements program for material flows in each MBA. The MC&A measurement program is supported by measurement control. For processing of the destructive analysis data the computerized information system, “SULIKO”, working in the “on-line” mode is successfully used. Computerized accounting system for items and bulk materials, based on fiber optic networks, was created. Currently, the MC&A network and the MPC&A support network covers all MBAs and the appropriate administrative divisions. It provides site wide MC&A data entry and data processing. MC&A software has been developed and tested. The installed computerized MC&A network and system was certified and put into trial operation. Two MBAs are reporting to the Federal Information System (FIS). Luch has developed a system of procedures for MC&A activities that covers all material transactions. Luch has gained practical experience in MC&A that has been shared with other Minatom facilities through workshops arranged with U.S. support. This paper summarizes and analyzes the results of seven year of joint effort on developing and implementing a site wide MC&A system at Luch.