Integrated Safeguards Testing Laboratories in Support of the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative

S. Tobin - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Scott F. Demuth - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Peter Santi - Los Alamos National Laboratory
James K. Sprinkle - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Kristen Klasky - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael C Miller - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Haeok Lee - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A key enabler for advanced fuel cycle safeguards research and technology development for programs such as the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) is access to facilities and nuclear materials. This access is necessary in many cases in order to ensure that advanced safeguards techniques and technologies meet the measurement needs for which they were designed. One such crucial facility is a hot cell based laboratory which would allow developers from universities, national laboratories, and commercial companies to perform iterative research and development of advanced safeguards instrumentation under realistic operating conditions but not be subject to production schedule limitations. The need for such a facility arises from the requirement to accurately measure minor actinide and/or fission product bearing nuclear materials that cannot be adequately shielded in glove boxes. With the contraction of the DOE nuclear complex following the end of the cold war, many suitable facilities at DOE sites are increasingly costly to operate and are being evaluated for closure. A hot cell based laboratory that allowed developers to install and remove instrumentation from the hot cell would allow for both risk mitigation and performance optimization of the instrumentation prior to fielding equipment in facilities where maintenance and repair of the instrumentation is difficult or impossible. These benefits are accomplished by providing developers the opportunity to iterate between testing the performance of the instrumentation by measuring realistic types and amounts of nuclear material, and adjusting and refining the instrumentation based on the results of these measurements. In this paper, we review the requirements for such a facility using the Wing 9 hot cells in the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Chemistry and Metallurgy Research facility as a model for such a facility and describe recent use of these hot cells in support of AFCI.