Complex special nuclear materials (SNM) storage systems can benefits from automated monitoring and data integration systems that maximize safety and security and optimize system maintainability. Current methods of verification, which rely on physical access, are costly and labor intensive. A prototype data analysis system for nuclear material monitoring is being developed through a joint effort by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company (LMITCO). The system synthesizes information from various sources and applies advanced data analysis to predict sensor faults and detect material instabilities and security/safeguards problems. The system makes use of Argonne's Multivariate State Estimation Technique or MSET to provide an early warning system for the performance of sensors and processes. The system is being implemented and tested at the Safeguard Technology Evaluation Laboratory (STEL) at ANL-W. The STEL was installed at a Fuel Manufacturing Facility (FMF) special nuclear materials vault at the demonstration and integration of technologies for monitoring plutonium-bearing materials in various storage configurations. Real sensor located within the STEL are being used to \"caliber\" and validate software while simulated sensors are used to mockup larger-scale problems. Preliminary system design and testing results are discussed.