The Integrated Inventory Information Management System for Nuclear Materials Tracking, Forecasting and Planning

William Chambers - Sandia National Laboratories
Christina L. Jenkin - Sandia National Laboratories
Grace Thompson - Sandia National Laboratories
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) manages and controls nuclear materials for the federal government in order to ensure their proper use to meet critical demands and their proper disposition at the end of their lifecycle. During the past few years, supplies and demands of active use material have become more dynamic. As a result, the ability to obtain information about material inventories and to forecast material supplies to meet future demands has become more important than ever. In response to this need, Sandia National Laboratories is developing the Integrated Inventory Information Management System (IIIMS). The IIIMS consists of three elements: sitespecific and enterprise-wide material forecasting models, enterprise inventory data analysis, and secure connections to classified data repositories to allow collaboration between the nuclear material managers at the contractor-operated laboratories and plants, NNSA site offices, and NNSA headquarters. This paper discusses progress to date on the IIIMS in each of the areas defined above and proposed follow-on work. Specifically, we will provide an update on the material forecasting models previously described. Additionally, we will look at the enterprise architecture as a social architecture and not an information architecture in the traditional sense. Finally, we will discuss approaches for reliably and securely connecting the various sites within the NNSA enterprise so that collaboration and information sharing may be facilitated.