The IAEA safeguards systems at the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP) will generate 2 GB of data per day from a variety of data collection systems throughout the plant. To maintain continuity of knowledge on the plant operations, this data must be processed in a timely manner. The IAEA inspectors need an automated system to assist with acquiring, managing, archiving and monitoring the large volumes of data generated. Additionally, they need evaluation and reporting capabilities for the safeguards data generated. The IAEA is developing the Integrated Inspector Information System (I3S), a hardware and software system for RRP. The I3S integrates new software and modified applications in a distributed architecture. The I3S consists of infrastructure and Safeguards (SG) subsystems. The infrastructure subsystems perform data processing tasks and state-of-health monitoring. The SG subsystems include evaluation software for Non-Destructive Assay, solution monitoring, plutonium inventory monitoring, surveillance cameras, and Near Real-Time Accountancy. The I3S includes a web-based Graphical User Interface that provides extensive review, reporting and drill-down capabilities to support the generation of standard reports and the detection and investigation of anomalies and discrepancies. This paper describes the I3S design and integration approach. It describes major subsystems and their role in the system. Some innovations and advancements from the I3S development project are also discussed.