In partial response to a Department of Energy (DOE) request to evaluate the state of measurements of special nuclear material, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) evaluated and classified all highly enriched uranium (HEU) metal and oxide items in its inventory. Because of a lack of traceable HEU standards, no items were deemed to fit the category of well measured. A subsequent DOE-HQ sponsored survey by New Brunswick Laboratory resulted in their preparation of a set of certified reference material (CRM) standards for HEU oxide (U3O8) that are projected for delivery during September of 1999. However, CRM standards for HEU metal are neither in preparation nor are they expected to be prepared within the foreseeable future. Consequently, HEU metal working standards must be developed if the poorly measured/unmeasured portion of the LLNL inventory is to be reclassified. This paper describes the approach that LLNL will take to (1) develop a set of HEU metal working standards; (2) develop HEU metal and oxide calibration curves for the passive-active neutron (PAN) shuffler that are functions of mass, enrichment, size, and shape; and (3) reclassify the poorly measured/unmeasured inventory through direct measurement or reprocessing of previously archived data.