The instructional systems development (ISD) process is used at the Central Training Academy (CTA) to develop courses effectively and efficiently. Courses developed in this manner provide the exact training necessary for personnel to perform adequately on the job. The (ISD) process was used to develop the course, Sampling Plans for MC&A. As a part of this systematic approach, difficult questions arise, such as: What do you do if you don't have a formal job-task analysis or the resources needed to develop one?; Who is the target group and what prerequisites do they require?; and most importantly, What is the purpose of this course? The analysis phase of the ISD process forces the developers to answer the tough questions first, allowing them to continue with the design, development, implementation and evaluation phases, with a clear purpose and well defined objectives. This paper details the ISD process as used to develop Sampling Plans for MC&A. When this process is used, less time and resources are necessary for revisions, freeing the training department to develop new courses not continuously and unnecessarily revising old ones.