Stephen L. Yarbro - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Harrison F. Kerschner - PNL
Eric M. Hanson - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Tye R. Blackburn - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
This paper presents the issues and unique challenges posed in fabrication, installation, commissioning, and startup of modular hot cells used in the life-extension of a 57-year-old nuclear facility. It also explores potential proliferation concerns introduced by the move to modular hot cells. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is engaged in a multi-year program of deactivating and decommissioning (D&D) the majority of the Hanford Site 300 Area facilities. In 2006, the DOE made the decision to retain the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s (PNNL) Radiochemical Processing Laboratory (RPL) and invest in a 20-year, 38 million dollar life extension of an operational nuclear research facility. Introduction of additional hot cell capability ensured continued research mission capability. Facility physical limitations, cost, desired flexibility for mission support, and the need to maintain on-going operations during construction resulted in using a modular approach to the construction of these hot cells. Modularization refers to production, transport, and permanent or semi-permanent assembly of pre-fabricated components onto a prepared foundation in an existing building or laboratory. Aside from presenting, an option to new construction for extending the life of an existing nuclear facility, a modular facility that can be easily built and transported to the construction location, could be attractive to a proliferant. It is important to examine the practical requirements for building and using nuclear-related technology. In particular, preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons depends on managing nuclear materials and the technology for producing and handling these materials. Typically, nuclear material is manufactured either by isotope enrichment or by irradiation in a reactor. Once irradiated, the material of interest is separated from the target. Given the high radiation fields inherent with these operations, special heavily shielded facilities are required. These are usually difficult and expensive to build. A modular facility easily built and transported to the construction location, could be attractive to a proliferant. These issues and challenges are explored. (PNNL-SA-77955)