INSEP Approach to Bilateral Cooperati on in SSAC Information Management

Ron Cail - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nguyen Nu Hoai Vi - Viet Nam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS)
John Oakberg - HSM, Inc.
Ike U. Therios - U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration
Joseph Scott Purvis - U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration
As part of its mission, the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) International Nuclear Safeguards Engagement Program (INSEP) partners with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT ) states to assist them in th e establishment of an effective state system of accounting fo r and control of nuclear materials (SSAC). One area of concentration for INSEP’s bila teral cooperative program is Information Management (IM). INSEP’s approach to IM employs a needs-base d methodology to identify and prioritize state safeguards IM development activities by working with a partner state to establish objectives, scope, and specific requirements in areas such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear material accounti ng and reporting, domestic safeguards, and implementation of the additional protocol (AP). The INSEP methodol ogy pairs INSEP technica l experts with state subject matter experts (SMEs) to review and describe the ch aracteristics of an effective information system as it applies to the state. A conceptual model of the state’s data collection and flow process is created during INSEP-f acilitated design sessions with technical and administrative state SMEs. Gaps a nd possible improvements in the pr ocess, as well as strengths, are identified, and action items are prioritized and documented. Most re cently, INSEP partnered with the Viet Nam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety ( VARANS) to support Viet Nam in its efforts to institute a comprehensive IM sy stem supporting the SSAC in anticipation of its expanding nuclear power program. INSEP a nd VARANS have established a common understanding of IM concepts a nd applications within a SSAC. Development of the diagram of data flow and ensuing gap analysis has yiel ded actionable items including software systems logistics; data management; quality assurance and quality control criteria; material accountability reporting; development/documentation of security procedures, protocols, and notifications; bilateral communicatio ns; and a documentation library. Some of the topics are beyond INSEP’s scope, but VARANS and INSEP will continue to address program area requirements in a focused, efficient manner with periodic reviews planned to ensure effective use of limited resources. The INSEP approach applies prove n requirements-driven IM methodologies for systems development to establishing or im proving state SSACs. Earl y identification and prioritization of requirements es tablish an objective metric for any proposed solution and ensure that implementing actions are functiona lly correct and appropriately scaled.