INMM NAC Subcommittee on Export Controls

Amanda Sayre - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Meili C. Swanson - Sandia National Laboratories
The Export Control Subcommittee met at the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Annual Meeting in July 2018 to chart a path forward for the newly formed subcommittee. Through this working group meeting, the subcommittee identified three key areas of focus: Bring the international outreach programs on export controls and internal/domestic export control communities closer together to share information and contribute to raising the next generation of export control experts; raise awareness engagement across the broader nonproliferation community to encourage cross-collaboration and information sharing (starting with INMM community); and transfer knowledge to early-mid career staff to prepare the next generation of export control experts. The paper will define a path forward and outline potential export control related topics of interest to the Subcommittee.