Initial operation of the Sarov Storage Monitoring Experiment

Sergei Blagin - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
Thomas Lockner - Sandia National Laboratories
Vitaly Lupsha - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF) has constructed a storage facility for sensitive nuclear materials in which state of the art storage monitoring technologies are used and the monitoring data are available to certified users over the internet. The monitoring system, designed by VNIIEF experts, uses both Russian and international equipment. A section of the storage area isdesigned to model the Mayak Fissile Material Storage Area. In this presentation we will describe the storage facility, the monitoring design and implementation, and the initial operation of the system. This is part of the Facility to Facility project pursued jointly between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and VNIIEF in which advanced monitoring technologies are developed for potential domestic and international applications. The facility will store fissile material, and thus has satisfied all domestic requirements for such facilities. A comparable system has been assembled in the US at the Savannah River Site. The two programs will ultimately supply authenticated and encrypted data from multiple monitoring devices to certified users to demonstrate the capability of using the internet as a safe and secure communications medium for remote monitoring of sensitive items.