Information Sharing Mechanisms: Lessons Learned from Regional Nuclear Nonproliferation Cooperation in Latin America

Sonia Fernandez Moreno - Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
Orpet J.M. Peixoto - Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials
As result of the nuclear integration between Brazil and Argentina, in July 1991, the Agreement for Peaceful Uses of the Nuclear Energy (Bilateral Agreement) was signed and the Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accountancy and Control of Nuclear Material (ABACC) was created. The main role assigned to ABACC is to manage Common System of Accountability and Control – SCCC which allow the implementation and administration of the regional safeguards control system. In December 1991 the IAEA, ABACC, Argentina and Brazil signed the Quadripartite Agreement which establishes obligations similar to those established by model INFCIRC/153 comprehensive agreements. Based on this agreement and in coordination with the Agency the two organizations are able to apply safeguards to all nuclear material in all nuclear activities of Argentina and Brazil Besides to act as a directorate body, ABACC and the regional system around it are important tools to demonstrate transparency on the use o nuclear energy and nuclear applications. The transparency may be considered as characteristic or quality of a state or organization. It is a state factor not easy to be objectively evaluated. This paper analyse how to build, evaluate and secure transparency in a State or organization and the direct relationship with regional systems. This paper also presented the accomplishments reached and lessons learned by a regional system in information sharing mechanisms and cooperation that contribute for achieving regional transparency.