The Canadian Safeguards Support Program of the CNSC has carried out R&D activities in support of the IAEA on the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) tools for safeguards applications within a web based environment as part of the Integrated Information Portal (IIP) concept. The integration and presentation of geospatial data to support decision making provides a valuable information source to address situation awareness and consequence analysis. Emphasis of the GIS work has been to demonstrate relevant scenarios through the customization of commercially available tools, and those derived from open source. The concept of Integrated Information Portal was introduced at various international conferences; the most recent was presented at the October 2006 IAEA Safeguards Symposium. The objective of the present work is to build on the existing framework of the IIP to demonstrate it is a suitable and excellent platform for nuclear material management. This demonstration model will also contain the following features: use of open-source web mapping tools along with industry standard web-based technology to integrate GIS capabilities and imagery to display in a common Internet browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, etc). The model is applicable for world-wide coverage. For demonstration purposes, Canadian nuclear facilities will be used to illustrate the capability and potential of the application that is applicable for other geographic areas. In addition, the project has demonstrated the mixing of open-source tools with commercially available ones such as ArcIMS/ArcServer within common technology architecture to demonstrate nuclear material management. The framework will demonstrate seamless integration of different tools, and interaction of different modules through the IIP (including consequence analysis for releases from a nuclear facility or radiological dispersal event, video feed from monitoring cameras, etc). Tracking of nuclear material using GPS or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) devices can also be integrated.